What do we do?
Manual therapy
Manual Therapy involves the physiotherapist’s use of his or her hands to mobilize the joints of the spine and extremities, create movement in nerve tissue or facilitate the activation, flexibility and normal tone of muscle. Several different techniques can be used to restore normal motion (not too much, not too little) and regain control of that motion. This allows each region of the body to move fully, efficiently and safely.
Spinal Manipulation /Adjustments
Spinal manipulation is a therapeutic intervention performed on spinal articulations which are synovial joints. It’s designed to relieve pressure on joints, reduce inflammation, and improve nerve function. It’s often used to treat back, neck, peripheral joints and headache pain. In spinal manipulation, the practitioner uses their hands to apply a controlled, sudden force to a specific joint. Patients often hear popping noises, like when you crack your knuckles
Dry Needling
Dry needling is a treatment performed by skilled, trained physical therapists, certified in the procedure. A thin monofilament needle penetrates the skin and treats underlying muscular trigger points for the management of neuro musculoskeletal pain and movement impairments. So, what is a trigger point? A trigger point is a local contracture or tight band in a muscle fiber that can disrupt function, restrict range of motion, referred pain or cause local tenderness. When dry needling is applied to a dysfunctional muscle or trigger point, it can decrease banding or tightness, increase blood flow, and reduce local and referred pain. Difference between Dry needling and Acupuncture. It’s important to note dry needling is not the same as acupuncture. It uses similar tools, but that’s where the similarities end. Dry needling is performed by different practitioners with different training. Acupuncture is based on Eastern medicine, while dry needling is rooted in Western medicine and evaluation of pain patterns, posture, movement impairments, function and orthopedic tests. Dry needling treats muscle tissue, and its goal is to reduce pain, inactivate trigger points and restore function. It rarely is a standalone procedure. Rather, it often is part of a broader physical therapy approach incorporating other traditional physical therapy interventions into treatment..
Shockwave therapy
Shockwave is an acoustic wave which carries high energy to painful spot. This energy provokes healing, regenerating and reparative processes of bones and soft tissue. The therapy is an ideal solution for various indications causing chronic pain including tendonitis and plantar fasciitis.
Exercise therapy
Exercise therapy involves eliciting motion of the body or its parts in order to relieve symptoms and improve function. Specific stretching, strengthening, and stabilization exercises are a critical part of the rehabilitation process for most musculoskeletal injuries. Continued exercise is an important component of injury prevention.
Cupping therapy
Cupping is an ancient method of causing local congestion where a vacuum is created with the use of vessels, which are then placed on the skin either by means of heat or suction, which then draws up the underlying tissues. This negative pressure creates a drawing action in the tissues rather than the compression of massage and results in a highly effective separation of tissue layers. It is also an excellent form of lymphatic drainage. Myofascial release is accomplished with the lifting and loosening of adhesions while assisting in the restructuring of the underlying myofascial bands. Negative pressure therapy also affects the parasympathetic nervous system allowing an added relaxation component to the treatment.
Vestibular Rehab
The vestibular system is a tiny apparatus deep inside your inner ear that senses motion and helps with balance and hearing. Vestibular rehabilitation is a specialized type of rehabilitation therapy that works to improve balance and alleviate dizziness and vertigo-related symptoms through a comprehensive assessment and exercise-based treatment program. It is used to address health issues caused by vestibular system disorders.
How can Vestibular Rehabilitation help?
If you are suffering from dizziness, vertigo (sensation of spinning) or imbalance as a result of a head injury, viral infection or an inner ear condition, you may benefit from vestibular rehabilitation. Our team of healthcare professionals will do a thorough assessment of your current condition and relevant history, and then work to develop a customized exercise and treatment plan for you.
We focus on key exercises to improve balance and walking, train hand-eye coordination, and alleviate dizziness and vertigo-related symptoms. We also maintain ongoing communication with your doctor and help you obtain the necessary medical clearance so that you can safely return to everyday activity and sports.
LASER therapy /Phototherapy
It may also be referred to as laser or light therapy. Channeling therapeutic light energy for the purpose of reducing pain has been a widely accepted medical practice for many years. Your therapist may use phototherapy, which includes the delivery of super luminous diode (SLD) and low level laser therapy (LLLT), for temporary increase in local blood circulation, relief of muscle and joint aches, pains, stiffness, and the relaxation of muscles, as well as for muscle spasms, and pain and stiffness . Phototherapy is a physical treatment modality using SLD and LLLT diodes to emit photons (light) in very specific regions of the electromagnetic spectrum which penetrate the skin stimulating a cascade of clinical benefits .Occasionally, it may be the only therapy prescribed, but more often it is used in conjunction with other therapeutic and rehabilitative treatments. Your therapist will determine when phototherapy is indicated, how often it should be used, and the length of each application.
Athletic taping and K taping
Taping injured joints and body parts protects those areas from further re-injury and allows for an earlier return to activity. It also can supply support to an area, which will allow muscles, which have tightened or sprained to relax thus facilitating an earlier return of motion
Kinesiotape is the latest in taping technology. Unlike traditional taping, kinesiotape does not restrict motion… it is meant for movement! This is why it is so popular with athletes, and you will often see the bright-colored kinesiotape on athletes all around the globe. Kinesiotape can assist in pain relief, muscle activation, ligament support, and neural feedback. It is gentle and safe, which makes it an excellent tool for lymphatic drainage and for use during pregnancy! Kinesiotape is not just for athletes and may be used to treat whiplash, neck & back pain, joint injuries, tendinitis, swelling & bruising and many other common symptoms. It is sweat-proof, water-immersible, and lasts 3-5 days to enhance the benefits of your treatment even after you’ve left the clinic.
Therapeutic massage
Deep Tissue Massage reaches deeper layers of muscles. It is used to break down knots and relieve pressure points throughout the body. This massage is beneficial for athletes and those who sit for long periods of time.